1. It places a terrible strain on the mother-child bond by saddling the mother with the double burden of playing the role of both mother and father;

2. While the media continues to show men of all ages alongside young, smooth-skinned women as a vision of success, women will go on investing in pots of worthless rubbish.

3. Their spaceship was equipped with a double door, which was fitted with a bellows between the ship and the outside.
    他们的太空飞船上装有两层门, 在这两层门之间, 即飞船与外界之间, 装有一个减压舱.

4. Like adolescents they stand before the mirror, and still cannot fathom the exact outline of the vision before them.

5. The Japanese spent $10.9 billion for teaching outside of regular classes last year, according to the institute, including $9 billion on jukus for students in the ninth grade or below — almost double the figure spent seven years ago.

6. Total darkness came as a result of a swelling of the nerve leading to his eye — a condition that was unrelated to the eye disease that had limited his vision since birth.

7. His income is double hers.

8. He wears glasses because his vision is poor.

9. He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built.

10. Politicians agree, in principle, so America and the EU have been trying to reach a deal which would eliminate the need to double-test many products.
    政治家在原则上同意了, 因此,美国和欧洲一直在寻求达成协议,以便为许多产品取消双重检查。